DropBox chat support app is an application that let users to contact chat support

Project Goals

Support chat is a DropBox support chat application for professionals and enthusiasts. For this project I decided to Design a support chat UI for Dropbox and to try improving the overall User Experience support when using chat app.


  • Design a simple to use support chat app

  • Create an interactive engagement

  • Design a cohesive interface for any user

  • Help user frustration when using live chat app

  • Make accessible app for most users

Research Insights

I began with basic survey, asking multiple questions to identify the user needs and to understand the type of user persona. I conducted interview based research with different types of professionals that use the Dropbox platform and  built a competitive audit for few similar services. My assumptions were that most users are happy with the common online chat support tool but I later discovered that most of the users share similar frustration and different needs from such a tool and that it can be improved.

I started out with few questions

What frustrates most users when using live chat tool?

How can I help users to improve chat support?

How can I improve accessibly for most users?

Personas & User Journey

Here you can see the user personas and user journey, created to support the project.

Chat support user flow
User Journey

Competitive Analysis

Looking at different types of competing companies that provide similar services and when comparing the chat support applications, I found that there is potential to capitalize on bringing full support to users in a much more efficient way.

The majority of features were very similar, but there was a room for improvement, however, there are few differences noticed:

– Accessible vs Non Accessible app

– Complex interaction vs Simplified

– Complex interface vs Minimalistic Interface

– Features of products

Information Architecture & Wireframes

Here you can see the information architecture and some of the wireframe sketches and low fidelity wireframes.

Slide Information Architecture
wireframe sketches
low fidelity wireframes

User Testing

Here you can see the affinity map user testing results. 

affinity map

Problems Iterations

The iteration process that’s been done as part of user experience testing.

Style guide

Below is a part of the style guide that is created to support the creation of the design system.

style guide

Mockups & Prototype

App screen mockups and the final prototype.

Case Study

As someone who is using various applications and provides technical support, it was important to me to help the users get support in an easiest way possible. With every project you learn new perspectives from the users struggles and it’s always surprising to see how much you can improve and help streamline and refine the process.

Here you can download case study as a PDF file.